PHERUS Contributors Covenant Code of Conduct

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Our Pledge

As members, contributors, and leaders of PHERUS, we pledge to foster a harassment-free and inclusive environment for everyone. We embrace diversity and commit to ensuring that all individuals, regardless of age, body size, ability, gender identity, expression, ethnicity, experience level, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, sexual identity, orientation, or socio-economic background, feel welcome.

We will act in ways that promote a community that thrives on open dialogue, innovative thinking, and respect for everyone’s contributions, ensuring PHERUS remains at the forefront of inclusive technological advancement.

Our Standards

Positive behaviors in our community include:

  • Empathy and kindness, fostering a culture of care and support
  • Respect for differing viewpoints, understanding that diverse perspectives fuel innovation
  • Constructive feedback, aimed at nurturing growth and collective progress
  • Owning our mistakes, learning from them, and making amends when necessary
  • Prioritizing community well-being alongside individual goals, ensuring PHERUS remains a collaborative and forward-thinking environment

Unacceptable behaviors include:

  • Any form of harassment, including sexualized language or unwelcome advances
  • Trolling, derogatory comments, or attacks on personal or political beliefs
  • Public or private harassment or any actions that detract from a respectful atmosphere
  • Disclosure of others' private information without consent
  • Any behavior deemed detrimental to a professional and supportive environment

Enforcement Responsibilities

As CEO, la niina and other community leaders will clarify and enforce these standards. We reserve the right to take fair and appropriate corrective action in response to any unacceptable behavior. Moderation decisions will be communicated transparently when necessary.


This Code of Conduct applies to all community spaces and extends to individuals representing PHERUS in public settings, including official communications and events.

Reporting and Enforcement

Instances of unacceptable behavior can be reported to [INSERT CONTACT METHOD]. Reports will be handled promptly, with confidentiality and respect for all parties involved.

Enforcement Guidelines

Community leaders will determine consequences for violations based on the following guidelines:

1. Correction

Impact: Minor violation, such as inappropriate language.

Consequence: A private warning with an explanation of the behavior and why it’s inappropriate. A public apology may be requested.

2. Warning

Impact: A single violation or series of actions.

Consequence: A formal warning with conditions for continued participation. Further violations may result in a temporary ban.

3. Temporary Ban

Impact: Serious violation of community standards.

Consequence: A temporary suspension from all PHERUS community interactions. Further infractions may lead to a permanent ban.

4. Permanent Ban

Impact: Repeated violations, harassment, or aggression.

Consequence: A permanent ban from all PHERUS-related public interactions and community spaces.