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​The Science and realities of abortion



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The Science (and Realities) of Abortion: Breaking It Down for the Everyday Person

By Pherus – Because knowledge belongs to everyone, not just those who can afford it, understand medical jargon, or live in countries with progressive laws.

Why Talk About Abortion?

Let’s face it: abortion is a word that turns conversations into chaos faster than a bad internet connection. And while politics, religion, and cultural beliefs often hijack the narrative, this isn’t about them.

This is about you.

Your body. Your choices. Your life.

At Pherus, we believe knowledge isn’t something guarded in ivory towers—it’s for everyone. This blog isn’t about persuading you to think a certain way. It’s about breaking down the science, the methods, and the realities of abortion with honesty, practicality, and a touch of humor.

What Is Abortion?

Abortion is simply the termination of a pregnancy—nothing more, nothing less. It’s a medical procedure like any other, but for some reason, people have decided it’s special. Spoiler: it’s not.

It can happen naturally (miscarriage) or intentionally (medical or surgical intervention). While opinions rage on about what’s “right” or “moral,” science keeps its focus on what’s real.

How Does It Work?

Two main categories: medical (pills) and surgical (procedures). Let’s dive in.

1. Medical Abortion: Pills, Chemistry, and Science Magic

This is for pregnancies up to 10–12 weeks and involves a well-coordinated chemical tag team:

  • Mifepristone: Think of this as the “pregnancy off-switch.” It blocks progesterone, the hormone that tells the uterus, “Hey, keep that lining nice and cozy!” Without it, the uterus basically says, “Packing it up, folks!”
  • Misoprostol: The “eviction notice.” This pill causes uterine contractions to expel the pregnancy tissue.

How It Works:

  1. Take Mifepristone orally.
  2. Wait 24–48 hours.
  3. Take Misoprostol (oral, vaginal, or sublingual).
  4. Brace yourself for cramps and bleeding—it’s your uterus throwing a tantrum.

Other Medications Sometimes Used:

  • Methotrexate: An older option that blocks cell division. Rarely used today but still floating around in the medical toolbox.
  • Carboprost Tromethamine: Packs a punch for later pregnancies by inducing strong uterine contractions.
  • Gemeprost: Sometimes used for late-term abortions, especially in clinical settings.


  • Cramps, nausea, and heavy bleeding are part of the deal.
  • Success rates drop as the pregnancy progresses, so timing is key.
  • Can’t be used beyond 10–12 weeks.

The medications come in different brands and I can exactly figure out all the available brands but here are some images for reference on how they look like.

2. Surgical Abortion: Precision and Efficiency

When pills aren’t enough—or the pregnancy is further along—surgical options step in. These are fast, effective, and safe when performed by trained professionals.

Methods Include:

  • Vacuum Aspiration: A small tube gently suctions out the pregnancy tissue. It’s over in 10 minutes and works best for early pregnancies.
  • Dilation and Curettage (D&C): The cervix is dilated, and instruments are used to remove the tissue. A go-to method for second-trimester pregnancies.
  • Dilation and Evacuation (D&E): Similar to D&C but used for later pregnancies, combining suction and surgical tools.


  • Minimal when performed by professionals. Rare complications might include infection, incomplete abortion, or scarring.

Hypothetically Speaking: Navigating Restrictive Laws

What if you live in a country where abortion is illegal, restricted, or treated like a crime against humanity? (Hi, Uganda, the Philippines, and much of the Middle East!)

Hypothetically, here’s how someone might approach this situation:

  • Do the Homework: Research local laws. In some places, exceptions exist for cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother’s life. Knowing the loopholes could literally save lives.
  • Seek Online Pharmacies: Organizations like Women on Web and Aid Access ship abortion pills discreetly to restricted regions. This is purely educational—what you do with the info is up to you.
  • Underground Networks: Many activists, doctors, and lawyers run confidential networks to connect people with safe options.
  • Travel: If feasible, go to a neighboring country with more progressive laws. It’s not ideal, but it’s an option.

Remember, these are hypothetical. Nobody here is telling you to break the law, but we’d be lying if we pretended the law always makes sense.

The Ethical Elephant in the Room

Let’s address it: When does life begin? Whose rights matter more? These questions fuel endless debate, but here’s the thing:

  • Religion: Not everyone follows yours. Some follow none.
  • Culture: Traditions evolve; so should our understanding of personal rights.
  • Politics: Governments should focus on serving people, not controlling their bodies.

Abortion is about autonomy. Someone else’s moral compass shouldn’t dictate your life. Period.

Why This Isn’t Just a “Women’s Issue”

Let’s not forget: pregnancy affects women, trans men, and non-binary folks too. It’s not a “women’s only” issue—it’s a human one.

The Bottom Line

Abortion is a medical procedure rooted in science, not morality. It’s personal, private, and nobody else’s business. The more you understand it, the less power ignorance and fear have over your decisions.

At Pherus, we’re here to empower through knowledge. What you do with that knowledge? That’s up to you.


This article is for educational purposes only. It is not medical advice and does not encourage illegal activity. Consult licensed professionals for personalized guidance.